There are several available mudules for Python. Necessary modules
are called by "import" in the program code.
The "sys" module has:
exit() Terminate the program
argv Store parameters from command lines
path Store system paths of Python
The "os" module has:
rename() Rename files or directories
system() Execute commands at OS level
mkdir() Make a directory
getcwd() Obtain the current working directory
The "string" module has:
atoi() Convert a string into integers
atof() Convert a string into floating points
atol() Convert a string into long integers
find() Find a string sequence
split() Split into words
upper()/lower() Convert into upper/lower case
The "math" module has:
sin()/cos() Trigonometric functions
log()/log10() Logamithtic functions
ceil()/floor() Max/min functions
pi/e Mathematical constants
The "time" module has:
time() Obtain the current time
gmtime() Convert it into GM time
localtime() Opposite conversion to localtime()
mktime() Find a string sequence
sleep() Stop the program for a specified time
For the other modules and detailed explanations, refer to
As stated, you can use a module by calling it by "import." The commands
are performed in the code by attaching the module name. For example,
import math
print sn
$ 0.00159265291649
To omit the module name, you can arrange as follows: