How to Find What You Want

Various resources of physics education and research are provided in this website. The huge amounts are hidden in the menu bar of the page. This page instruct where you can find what you want.

Go the top of page and click "Classes"

Conceptual Physics: With all the subjects of physics
Algebra-Based 1st Course of Physics: Kinematics, mechanics, fluid, etc.
Algebra-Based 2st Course of Physics: Waves, electromagnetism, light, etc.
Calculus-Based 1st Course of Physics: Kinematics andmechanics
Calculus-Based 2st Course of Physics: Electromagnetism and circuits
Calculus-Based 3rd Course of Physics: Thermmodynamics, waves, light, etc.
Environmental Physics: Energy, entropy, etc.
Electronics: Analogue and digital circuits, etc.
Quantum Mechanics: Hydrogen atom, quantum well, etc.
Nuclear-Particle Physics: Nucleons, mesons, quantum field theory, etc.
Condensed Matter Physics: Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, semiconductors, electronic sructure, etc.
Mathematics for Physicists: Differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, vector calculus, geometry, group theories, and function theories

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