
Zero axes
  Major tics
  Minor tics
  Nomirror and second tics
  Other options for tics
Want only the plot?
Title, key title, and lable
  Key title
3D Plot general
  Size ratio
  Tics level
  Log scale


You can set or unset various items for displaying your plot. If you want to show some item, command like, "set *****". If you want to remove or undo it, "unset *****". In most of the cases, you can control woth "set" or "unset" to show or hide.

Now, let's get started with plotting √ x. Start up gnuplot first, then enter:
gnuplot> plot sqrt(x)
You will see the output as follows:
gnuplot hirophysics
But it looks clumsy, so let's specify the ranges for x axis from 0 to 5.
gnuplot> set xrange[0:5]
gnuplot> plot sqrt(x)
gnuplot hirophysics
Now it looks better. The above command, "set xrange", specifies the range for x axis. You can also change the range for y-axis by typing "set yrange[*:*]." If you type "unset xrange", you can undo the range setup. Or use "set autoscale" to go back to the default range.
gnuplot> unset xrange
gnuplot> set autoscale
Also, the following arrangement is equivalent with the previous setting for x-range. You can include the range setting into the plot command. The first and the second arguments are addressed to x and y ranges, respectively.
gnuplot> plot [0:5] [] sqrt(x)
If you do not need to set the y-range, you can omit to type. However, if you set only y range, you should do as follows:
gnuplot> plot [] [0:5] sqrt(x)
If you want to set only the end of the range, you can do as follows:
gnuplot> set xr [:8]

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