
Zero axes
  Major tics
  Minor tics
  Nomirror and second tics
  Other options for tics
Want only the plot?
Title, key title, and lable
  Key title
3D Plot general
  Size ratio
  Tics level
  Log scale


"Key" is the label of a data file (or a function) plotted. It appears in right-top in the display. In order to erase it, type simply
gnuplot> unset key
Compare this with the previous plot. You can see that the key has been removed. gnuplot hirophysicsgnuplot hirophysics You can also change the location of keys. You can select the following options with "set key" command:
gnuplot> set key left

gnuplot> set key center

gnuplot> set key right

gnuplot> set key top

gnuplot> set key bottom

gnuplot> set key outside

gnuplot> set key inside

gnuplot> set key above

gnuplot> set key below
You can also combine a few of them. For example,
gnuplot> set key left top outside
gnuplot> plot tan(x)
gnuplot hirophysics

If you need to change the name of key, enter "title" command and the name will be replaced.
gnuplot> set key bottom
gnuplot> plot [0:5] log(x) title 'Log of x'
You will see "Log of x" instead of "log(x)" for the key. Note that multiple commands for one function or data file does not need commas to separate commands. When you plot multiple functions or data, you need to use commas for each plot.
gnuplot hirophysics

If there are multiple keys to display, you may need a spacing between them because it may look crowded. The command, "set key spacing" can be used to solve this issue. The default spacing is 1. If you set like 0.5, the keys will be overlapped each other. Let's have an example to compare.
gnuplot> set key spacing 2
gnuplot> plot [-2:2] sinh(x),cosh(x)
gnuplot hirophysicsgnuplot hirophysics
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